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"On registration day, I immediately felt at home and knew I'd made the right decision."

Tierra Jones的传记






为什么是GC ??

  • 想在大学里重新开始, found GC to offer a more focused and high quality education paired with receiving individual attention
  • Enriched her campus experience by actively engaging and participating in student organizations and activities
  • Member and Vice President of GC's Omicron Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
  • 学生会会长(SGA)
  • Accepted into the Bucknell University Community College Scholars Program
  • Awarded the twoyear competitive transfer scholarship to attend Bucknell University

马里兰州华尔道夫(Waldorf)的居民琼斯(Tierra Jones)说., 即将于2020年5月从加勒特学院毕业, earning her associate of arts degree with a concentration in liberal arts. Before enrolling at Garrett, she attended another college. She soon found herself in the process of wanting to get back into school again. She became a student at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 in the fall of 2018.

“我知道我必须从小处开始, but I didn't want to start in the same place I was in,琼斯说。. “我姐姐告诉我加勒特学院的事, so I applied not thinking much of it until registration day. On registration day, I immediately felt at home and knew I'd made the right decision."

Jones was looking for a fresh start in college and found Garrett to best serve her desire to receive more focused, individual attention paired with a high-quality education.

"I have most loved the feeling of communal support that I've received since being a student here,琼斯说。.

作为一名学生, she actively participated in many activities and organizations on campus, 所有这些都增加了她的校园经历.

She maintained the following roles at Garrett: student assistant with the Residence Life department, 学生会总会会长, vice president of GC's Alpha Omicron Phi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK), and a student ambassador with the 招生 department.

"I don't feel that any one role is more important than the other because they are each impactful in their own ways,琼斯说。. "In residence life, students are free to enter the office and chat if they need to. As SGA president, again students trust me with their important issues and concerns. 作为学生大使, I have the chance to show people new opportunities they may not have otherwise considered. 在强, I am often introduced to the intricate beauties surrounding Garrett County and I am always amazed at its heart."


“我在我的论证中遇到了蒂拉 & Persuasive Research Writing class during her first year at 澳门足球博彩官方网址. 从第一天上课开始, she was engaged in her learning and focused on her long-term academic and professional goals within the liberal arts,露西·曼利说, GC的学术副院长.

What's even more impressive is that she was recently awarded with the extremely competitive two-year transfer scholarship valued at more than $100,去巴克内尔大学读书, 路易斯堡的一所私立文理学院, Pa.这个即将到来的秋天.

"Not only gaining admission to this prestigious university but also earning this scholarship are a true testament of Tierra's focused dedication to her academics and her community,曼利说。.

作为转学奖学金要求的一部分, Jones participated in the rigorous Bucknell Community College Scholars Program in the summer of 2019. 该课程是为成绩优异的学生设计的, low- to moderate income community college students who aim to earn their associate's degree and wish to take their education further. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 is proud to be one of six community college partners of this program.

During the six-week academic program at Bucknell University, she left an outstanding impression on the faculty and staff at the university and was responsive to feedback from professors, all while maintaining an admirable pursuit of academic success. 她在两门写作密集的大学课程中表现优异, 'Education and the Human Spirit' and 'The Psychology of Attraction and Close Relationships', 同时保持高于平均水平的成绩.

"My summer at Bucknell inspired me to not only dream more, but to dream bigger and know that each of my hopes and dreams are attainable,琼斯想道。. “它恢复了我对自己的信心."

多亏了慷慨的转学奖学金, she plans to continue her studies in English at Bucknell University this fall in pursuit of a bachelor's degree. In the future, she hopes to gain a career in public relations, publishing, or writing.

“我的下一个目标是巴克内尔!琼斯惊叫道。. "The summer experience and transfer scholarship offered a perfect home to finish my bachelor's degree! I am grateful for the opportunity and excited to get to work when the time comes. My advice to others is to believe in yourself and trust your dreams!"

阿什利红宝石, GC的指导和学术成功中心主任, explained that the program is designed for a dedicated student such as Jones.

"When I first met Tierra, I immediately knew this opportunity belonged to her. Her drive and passion have led her to this incredible achievement. I am extremely delighted that she has accepted the opportunity to continue at Bucknell University this this fall,鲁比说。. "She is a role model to her peers and an effervescent leader among the student body."

For more information about the Bucknell Community College Scholars Program, in addition to other transfer opportunities available at 澳门足球博彩官方网址, persons may contact Ruby at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 at 301-387-3733 or